The charge over the hill was as glorious as I could have wished. Row upon row of helmets bobbing in time, the unified roar of their War Scooters, the battle maneuvers – these were as beautifully executed as any general could wish. I raised my eye-stalks to the heavens in acknowledgement, and their snailish shout echoed back from the mountains and the waves, proclaiming this land ours forevermore.
Though I do not say it, better than all the battles in the world is the joyful knowledge that I am no longer alone!
The captain reports that all resistance has ended, but that the targets have escaped. I had him disciplined, of course, but the truth is, I am not entirely displeased. After all, these targets were briefly my companions, if not actual friends.
I wonder why He wanted them. In our conversation, He divulged nothing to me of His plans, merely what I was to do to ensure their success. A stray thought troubles me, that one who could resurrect all my people so easily could as easily wipe them away again, should he be displeased.
I shall not worry about that now, but will enjoy to the fullest the companionship of my soldiers. They cheer my name - I must go.